About the author

Dr Olaf Wandhöfer studied chemistry and received his doctorate at the University of Bonn. As a partner in the management consultancy firm Bain & Company he advised large corporations from the technology, media and telecommunications industries for 13 years. In addition, Dr Wandhöfer held senior management positions in the finance and technology industries for 11 years. Since October 2021, he has been a private citizen and senior advisor.

As a natural scientist, technology expert, management consultant and manager, Dr Wandhöfer has followed the changes in private life, work and society over the last 10 to 15 years as a result of online addiction with increasing attention and concern. Finally, after mature consideration, he resolved to address this issue in a systematic way. On the basis of extensive research and numerous discussions with persons affected and experts, he has examined the issue of the online addiction of mankind in an interdisciplinary approach from different perspectives across various social groups. The main focus of his investigation has been on the development of concrete and realisable solutions.